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To all concerned about homelessness,

Homelessness issues across US communities are out of control, but the solution is singular.

Homelessness is not a choice; it requires our collective effort to address. Housing alone cannot sustain them, and mere food provision falls short, as I've learned firsthand after serving people experiencing homelessness at Skid Row in downtown LA for over ten years.

What they truly need is a loving, caring community—not scattered individual services—providing housing, physical and mental health support, job training, hands-on employment opportunities, and budgeting education all in one place. The key ingredients are love, care, and unity. This is where Vision Possible comes into action. We've secured a 2.5-acre land in Lancaster and are equipped with heart, energy, and a plan to change the lives of the homeless and address long-standing governmental issues. But we cannot embark on this journey without your support.

Will you ignite this flame and journey alongside us? Like the shepherd who saves the last sheep, I too was once lost. I invite you to join us in fulfilling God's vision—Vision Possible—to uplift our last homeless friends.

Sincerely yours,

Jennifer Chou

Founder/Executive Director

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3 comentários

02 de abr.

Looking great so far; God bless you Jennifer, Obie and team!

Obie Obiacoro
Obie Obiacoro
26 de abr.
Respondendo a

Thank you Tom. All for the glory of God.

God bless you.

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